Cupping therapy is an alternative form of medicine and is perhaps better known as traditional Chinese Medicine, like acupuncture. Cupping is much like the inverse of massage – rather than applying pressure to muscles, it uses gentle pressure to pull them upward by using negative pressure. There are 3 main types of cupping: dry/fire cupping, wet/blood cupping, and massage cupping.
The benefits of cupping therapy:
- Pain relief: increasing blood flow and giving the tissues important nutrients and oxygen
- Relieve cold, cough and allergy symptoms
- Promote relaxation
- Detoxifying: poor circulation can lead to a buildup of toxins inside of the body’s tissues
- Inducing inflammation to heal injuries faster
- Improving skin conditions such as acne and eczema
- Relieving digestive disorders
- Treating carpal tunnel
Common conditions that can be treated with cupping are:
- Neck, shoulder, and back pain
- Rotator cuff syndrome
- Shoulder and elbow tendonitis
- Hip tension and piriformis syndrome
- IT band syndrome
- Shin splints
- Achilles tendonitis
- Plantar fasciitis
Side effects:
- Small bruises or redness
- Higher amount of toxins in an individual’s body
- The redness will be deeper and more noticeable
Avoid cupping if you have a skin infection, ulcer or sensitivity. Cupping is not recommended for pregnant women.
Unsure if cupping is right for you? Call us at Bodyworks and speak to a Physical Therapist to determine if this is an appropriate treatment for you.