The Not-So-Sweet Side of Sugar

The Not-So-Sweet Side of Sugar

The holidays are a time for indulgence, and for many of us, that means enjoying all of the sweet treats that come along with the season. But before you reach for that next sugar-laden cookie, it’s important to consider the not-so-sweet side of sugar. How Does...
What’s Better: Static vs Dynamic Stretching?

What’s Better: Static vs Dynamic Stretching?

Stretching is an essential component of any exercise routine, but with so many types of stretching, it can be confusing to decide which one is best. Let’s look over the differences between static and dynamic stretching and decide which one is best suited for you. What...
To Ice or to Heat … That is the question!

To Ice or to Heat … That is the question!

I cannot tell you how many times a day, as a PT I get asked if a patient should heat or ice. They get mixed advice which makes the decision even more confusing! So, let’s get into the science behind what heat and ice do to the body. Ice DECREASES blood flow to the...